Tuesday, April 21, 2015

week 12-13

Last week of first trimester DONE! The baby is now the size of a lime according to some websites and a passion fruit in others. ... because I walk around with immediate knowledge of fruit sizes... ..

 These few weeks are when we are getting the nuchal translucency/ultrasound screenings. Basically I:
  1. go in for a blood draw before I hit 2nd trimester
  2. do an ultrasound with the fancier hospital sonogram machines - it takes much better images and they do a test where they measure a few things including your cervix length and the space between the baby's skull and neck. The thinner it is the less likely it has down syndrome. The OBGYN is the not the one who does this test. 
  3. do another blood test in 2nd trimester
Combining all 3 screenings is supposed to give us a good idea of whether or not there are any genetic defects with the fetus. BUT REALLY, I just wanted more ultrasounds so I went for it.

The spawn is a fatty. Just lied there and tried to eat its fist.
Sonogram results came back good! They did notice that there was a small fluid sac next to the baby which "most likely meant another embryo had an early demise". In other words, I could have had twins... NO THANKS. Other than the shock it doesn't have any impact on the pregnancy and it will just go away as the baby takes over all available space. However Eric likes to think that this baby ate the other baby and is super proud. I have doubts if procreating with him was the right thing to do.

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