Friday, April 10, 2015

week 9-11

Weeks 9-10
o. my god. the morning sickness. Just put me in a coma until I hit 14 weeks please.

Thanks to this repressed immune system so my body doesn't attack the foreign tissue growing in my uterus right now, I immediately caught the cold going around the office. Although my immune system was never that great to begin with and this cold may have been a blessing in disguise as I blissfully couldn't smell anything for a week.

Week 11
I totally suck at updating any blogs. TO BE FAIR it's only cause I wanted to update with pictures and getting pictures off my phone apparently takes two weeks.

At this point we've gone in for our 10 week checkup where we got to see the baby forealsies this time! The OBGYN pointed out the baby's heartbeat and eric got all emotional. From here I don't have to see the OB for another 4 weeks but will have to go in for a special ultrasound and two blood tests for the nuchal translucency screening which seems to just be the fancy way of saying "the screening to see if there is anything potentially wrong with your baby so we can scare you".

I swear that lump on the bottom is a baby

Baby bump? I'm not pushing out by belly. Regardless, the pregnant waddle has definitely started.

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